Weapons of Math Destruction


Cathy O’Neil

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Hillary Clinton Character Analysis

Hillary Clinton is an American politician who was the Democratic candidate for president during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Clinton’s 2016 campaign relied heavily on the use of political polling data to determine strategy—but as a result of inaccurate poll results, Clinton overlooked campaigning in areas of the country where the data seemed to show that she was doing well. Even though nationwide public opinion seemed to indicate that Clinton would win the race against Donald Trump, Trump won the election, which shocked many people. But O’Neil asserts that a rise in populism, media skepticism, and reluctance to contribute data to polls created the illusion that Clinton was the preferred candidate.
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Hillary Clinton Character Timeline in Weapons of Math Destruction

The timeline below shows where the character Hillary Clinton appears in Weapons of Math Destruction. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 10: The Targeted Citizen
Data, Transparency, and U.S. Democracy Theme Icon
Four years later, Hillary Clinton ’s campaign would build on the Obama research team’s methodology to create a data system... (full context)
Humanity vs. Technology  Theme Icon
Data, Transparency, and U.S. Democracy Theme Icon
...models’ results were impossibly skewed by biases and misinformation. The narrow gap between the candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, wasn’t as narrow as it appeared to many people. (full context)