Tristram Shandy

Tristram Shandy


Laurence Sterne

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Bridget is widow Wadman’s maid and Trim’s love interest. Bridget’s romance with Trim begins while Toby is courting widow Wadman. Eventually, Bridget confesses to Trim the nature of widow Wadman’s concerns about Toby’s sexual competency, which ends their budding relationship. Bridget and Trim quietly continue to see each other, however, and accidentally destroy one of Toby’s model bridges during a late night rendezvous on the bowling green.

Bridget Quotes in Tristram Shandy

The Tristram Shandy quotes below are all either spoken by Bridget or refer to Bridget . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Book 9: Chapters 26-33 Quotes

—God bless your honour! cried the Corporal—what has a woman’s compassion to do with a wound upon the cap of a man’s knee? had your honour’s been shot into ten thousand splinters at the affair of Landen, Mrs. Wadman would have troubled her head as little about it as Bridget; because, added the Corporal, lowering his voice and speaking very distinctly, as he assigned his reason—

“The knee is such a distance from the main body—whereas the groin, your honour knows, is upon the very curtin of the place.”

My uncle Toby gave a long whistle—but in a note which could scarce be heard across the table.

Related Characters: Corporal Trim (speaker), Uncle Toby , Widow Wadman , Bridget
Page Number: 585
Explanation and Analysis:
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Bridget Quotes in Tristram Shandy

The Tristram Shandy quotes below are all either spoken by Bridget or refer to Bridget . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Book 9: Chapters 26-33 Quotes

—God bless your honour! cried the Corporal—what has a woman’s compassion to do with a wound upon the cap of a man’s knee? had your honour’s been shot into ten thousand splinters at the affair of Landen, Mrs. Wadman would have troubled her head as little about it as Bridget; because, added the Corporal, lowering his voice and speaking very distinctly, as he assigned his reason—

“The knee is such a distance from the main body—whereas the groin, your honour knows, is upon the very curtin of the place.”

My uncle Toby gave a long whistle—but in a note which could scarce be heard across the table.

Related Characters: Corporal Trim (speaker), Uncle Toby , Widow Wadman , Bridget
Page Number: 585
Explanation and Analysis: