Tristram Shandy

Tristram Shandy


Laurence Sterne

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A bend dexter is a heraldry term for a diagonal band crossing a coat of arms from the top left to the bottom right.

Bend Dexter Quotes in Tristram Shandy

The Tristram Shandy quotes below are all either spoken by Bend Dexter or refer to Bend Dexter. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Book 4: Chapters 25-31 Quotes

Now the chapter I was obliged to tear out, was the description of this cavalcade, in which corporal Trim and Obadiah, upon two coach-horses a-breast, led the way as slow as a patrole—whilst my uncle Toby, in his laced regimentals and tye-wig, kept his rank with my father, in deep roads and dissertations alternately upon the advantage of learning and arms, as each could get the start.

—But the painting of this journey, upon reviewing it, appears to be so much above the stile and manner of any thing else I have been able to paint in this book, that it could not have remained in it, without depreciating every other scene; and destroying at the same time that necessary equipoise and balance, (whether good or bad) betwixt chapter and chapter, from whence the just proportions and harmony of the whole work results. For my own part, I am but just set up in the business, so know little about it—but, in my opinion, to write a book is for all the world like humming a song—be but in tune with yourself, madam, ’tis no matter how high or how low you take it.—

Related Characters: Tristram Shandy (speaker), Tristram’s Father (Walter Shandy) , Uncle Toby , Corporal Trim , Yorick (The Parson) , Obadiah
Page Number: 283-284
Explanation and Analysis:
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Bend Dexter Term Timeline in Tristram Shandy

The timeline below shows where the term Bend Dexter appears in Tristram Shandy. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 4: Chapters 19-24
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Travel, Space, and Time Theme Icon
Sexuality and Propriety Theme Icon
...the dinner. On their carriage, however, the Shandy coat of arms, which once contained a bend dexter , has much to Walter’s chagrin been mistakenly repainted with a bend sinister. As this... (full context)