Tristram Shandy

Tristram Shandy


Laurence Sterne

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A water-drinker is an antiquated term for a teetotaler, or sober person.
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Water-drinker Term Timeline in Tristram Shandy

The timeline below shows where the term Water-drinker appears in Tristram Shandy. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 6: Chapters 16-20
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Language and Comprehension Theme Icon
Travel, Space, and Time Theme Icon
...maximize the passion of their arguments and the caution of their reasoning. Walter is a water-drinker, however, and so requires a different approach. He gradually developed a system in which he... (full context)
Book 8: Chapters 6-10
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Sexuality and Propriety Theme Icon
Chapter 6. Tristram wishes Toby, too, were a water-drinker, as that would explain widow Wadman’s attraction to him. Toby, however, only drinks water when... (full context)