Tristram Shandy

Tristram Shandy


Laurence Sterne

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Great-Aunt Dinah Character Analysis

Dinah is Tristram’s great-aunt and one of the most scandalous members of the Shandy family. Sixty years before Tristram’s birth, Dinah married her coachman, who also impregnated her. Walter takes this as proof of his theory of names, claiming that Dinah was predestined to scandalize by being named Dinah. He frequently mentions Dinah’s scandal, even though the story’s sexual nature greatly offends Toby. Dinah dies shortly after Tristram’s birth and leaves Walter 1,000 pounds.

Great-Aunt Dinah Quotes in Tristram Shandy

The Tristram Shandy quotes below are all either spoken by Great-Aunt Dinah or refer to Great-Aunt Dinah . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Book 1: Chapters 21-25 Quotes

—My father, as I told you, was a philosopher in grain,—speculative,—systematical;—and my aunt Dinah’s affair was a matter of as much consequence to him, as the retrogradation of the planets to Copernicus:—The backslidings of Venus in her orbit fortified the Copernican system, call’d so after his name; and the backslidings of my aunt Dinah in her orbit, did the same service in establishing my father’s system, which, I trust, will for ever hereafter be call’d the Shandean System, after his.

Related Characters: Tristram Shandy (speaker), Tristram’s Father (Walter Shandy) , Great-Aunt Dinah
Page Number: 60-61
Explanation and Analysis:
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Great-Aunt Dinah Quotes in Tristram Shandy

The Tristram Shandy quotes below are all either spoken by Great-Aunt Dinah or refer to Great-Aunt Dinah . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Book 1: Chapters 21-25 Quotes

—My father, as I told you, was a philosopher in grain,—speculative,—systematical;—and my aunt Dinah’s affair was a matter of as much consequence to him, as the retrogradation of the planets to Copernicus:—The backslidings of Venus in her orbit fortified the Copernican system, call’d so after his name; and the backslidings of my aunt Dinah in her orbit, did the same service in establishing my father’s system, which, I trust, will for ever hereafter be call’d the Shandean System, after his.

Related Characters: Tristram Shandy (speaker), Tristram’s Father (Walter Shandy) , Great-Aunt Dinah
Page Number: 60-61
Explanation and Analysis: