Tristram Shandy

Tristram Shandy


Laurence Sterne

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Turkish Tobacco Pipes Term Analysis

Trim’s Turkish tobacco pipes are hookah pipes, a Middle Eastern device for vaporizing and smoking tobacco.
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Turkish Tobacco Pipes Term Timeline in Tristram Shandy

The timeline below shows where the term Turkish Tobacco Pipes appears in Tristram Shandy. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 6: Chapters 21-25
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Travel, Space, and Time Theme Icon
Science, Technology, and the Enlightenment Theme Icon
...few souvenirs sent to him by his brother Tom, including a Montero cap and two Turkish tobacco pipe s. The pipes are not particularly special, one tipped with ivory, one with ebony and... (full context)
Book 6: Chapters 26-30
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Science, Technology, and the Enlightenment Theme Icon
...firing during the siege, struck upon the idea of using smoke—and, to do so, his Turkish tobacco pipe s. Adding extra tubes, he connected them to the cannons and was thereby able to... (full context)
Science, Technology, and the Enlightenment Theme Icon
...the bowling green ten minutes before Toby to first a few first shots, using both Turkish tobacco pipe s to fire two batteries of cannons. The pleasure of puffing on the pipes is... (full context)
Science, Technology, and the Enlightenment Theme Icon
Chapter 28. Toby joins Trim, taking up the ivory Turkish tobacco pipe . Soon the pleasure is so great that he moves to the sentry box to... (full context)