Tracks: A Woman’s Solo Trek Across 1700 Miles of Australian Outback


Robyn Davidson

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Ada Baxter Character Analysis

Ada Baxter is a vivacious Aboriginal woman who is Davidson’s neighbor in Alice Springs. The two become good friends and Ada often behaves like a mother to Davidson. Their relationship illuminates for Davidson the disparity between the perception of the Aboriginal people in town and the reality of their kindness and humanity. Ada has a reputation as a tough and even dangerous woman, but she always treats Davidson lovingly.
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Ada Baxter Character Timeline in Tracks: A Woman’s Solo Trek Across 1700 Miles of Australian Outback

The timeline below shows where the character Ada Baxter appears in Tracks: A Woman’s Solo Trek Across 1700 Miles of Australian Outback. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3 
Individuality and Interconnection Theme Icon
Racial Tension and Oppression Theme Icon
Davidson’s closest neighbor at Basso’s farm is a fun-loving Aboriginal woman named Ada Baxter . Davidson enjoys Ada’s company and finds that she fills the role of a surrogate... (full context)
Chapter 5 
Individuality and Interconnection Theme Icon
...the trip, and eventually she and the camels depart for Utopia alongside Jenny and Toly. Ada Baxter begs Davidson not to go, saying that she will certainly die, but Davidson leaves nonetheless. (full context)