All the Light We Cannot See

All the Light We Cannot See


Anthony Doerr

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All the Light We Cannot See: 10. Wardrobe Summary & Analysis

Von Rumpel has walked up to the sixth floor, where he hears the sound of the radio. He opens the wardrobe and pushes through it, using a candle as a source of light. He bumps his head on the ceiling of the wardrobe, and drops the candle to the floor. Suddenly, he hears the sound of the door of the house creaking open.
Von Rumpel seems like he’s falling apart, both dying and devolving as a person, growing more monstrous of a villain—he desperately needs to find the diamond before he gets any worse. Doerr heightens the suspense by cutting away from the scene, just as Werner (we presume) is about to arrive.
Interconnectedness and Separation Theme Icon
Fate, Duty, and Free Will Theme Icon
Science and “Ways of Seeing” Theme Icon