Me Talk Pretty One Day

Me Talk Pretty One Day


David Sedaris

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Me Talk Pretty One Day makes teaching easy.

Cheeky Character Analysis

Cheeky is an exotic bird that escapes from a Manhattan pet shop. The reward for Cheeky’s return is $750, so Valencia tells Sedaris that they should find the bird and split the reward. She then instructs Sedaris to chase after several pigeons that land on a nearby tree branch, frustrating him so much that he eventually takes a new job as a professional mover.
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Cheeky Character Timeline in Me Talk Pretty One Day

The timeline below shows where the character Cheeky appears in Me Talk Pretty One Day. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Great Leap Forward
Class and Belonging Theme Icon
...him a flyer she found announcing that a pet store lost an exotic bird named Cheeky. The reward for finding Cheeky is $750, so she suggests that she and Sedaris find... (full context)
Identity and Insecurity Theme Icon
Humor, Commentary, and Observation Theme Icon
Class and Belonging Theme Icon
...on the branch of a tree outside the window, Valencia says that they have found Cheeky. She then tells Sedaris to coax the pigeon inside. He tries to tell her that... (full context)
Class and Belonging Theme Icon
Soon enough, Valencia gets Sedaris’s attention again, claiming that Cheeky has returned. Looking outside, Sedaris sees another pigeon. Again, he lets the bird fly away.... (full context)
Identity and Insecurity Theme Icon
Class and Belonging Theme Icon
...untouched by jealousy, knowing that—at the very least—he doesn’t have to call out the name Cheeky while chasing a pigeon. (full context)