Me Talk Pretty One Day

Me Talk Pretty One Day


David Sedaris

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Me Talk Pretty One Day makes teaching easy.

Jodie Foster Character Analysis

Jodie Foster is a famous American actor. When Sedaris’s Parisian hairdresser finds a picture of Jodie Foster walking her dog, he doesn’t know why she’s holding a plastic bag. Hoping Sedaris can shed light on this, he shows him the picture, and Sedaris explains that Jodie Foster is carrying a bag of dog poop—something that confounds and disgusts the hairdresser. Sedaris, for his part, suddenly feels patriotic, feeling more connected to his home country than ever.
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Jodie Foster Character Timeline in Me Talk Pretty One Day

The timeline below shows where the character Jodie Foster appears in Me Talk Pretty One Day. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
I Pledge Allegiance to the Bag
Identity and Insecurity Theme Icon
Humor, Commentary, and Observation Theme Icon
Class and Belonging Theme Icon
...goes for a haircut in Paris and the hairdresser shows him a magazine picture of Jodie Foster . The hairdresser loves Jodie Foster and has been studying this photograph, unable to discern... (full context)