Me Talk Pretty One Day

Me Talk Pretty One Day


David Sedaris

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Hugh is Sedaris’s romantic partner. A good cook, he lives in an old chocolate factory that has been turned into an apartment. Hugh’s father worked for the U.S. State Department, a job that required quite a bit of travel. Because of this, Hugh lived in multiple African countries as a child, an experience that makes Sedaris extremely jealous. Before they start dating, Sedaris goes to Hugh’s apartment to borrow a ladder and sees that Hugh is in the middle of baking an apple pie and listening to country music. In the course of conversation, it comes up that Hugh owns a small country house in Normandy, France. Armed with this information, Sedaris decides to woo Hugh so he can enjoy Hugh’s seemingly fantastic lifestyle. Needless to say, he does exactly this, moving in with him and accompanying him on his yearly trips to France. A smart but relatively reserved man, Hugh receives an incredibly high score on the IQ test that he and Sedaris take together—a fact that leaves Sedaris, who receives a very low score, feeling especially inadequate. To make him feel better, Hugh insists that Sedaris is good at a number of things. When asked to list a few examples, though, he can only come up with two: vacuum cleaning and naming stuffed animals.

Hugh Quotes in Me Talk Pretty One Day

The Me Talk Pretty One Day quotes below are all either spoken by Hugh or refer to Hugh. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Identity and Insecurity Theme Icon
Smart Guy Quotes

My brain wants nothing to do with reason. It never has. If I was told to vacate my apartment by next week, I wouldn’t ask around or consult the real estate listings. Instead, I’d just imagine myself living in a moated sugar-cube castle, floating from room to room on a king-size magic carpet. If I have one saving grace, it’s that I’m lucky enough to have found someone willing to handle the ugly business of day-to-day living.

Hugh consoled me, saying, “Don’t let it get to you. There are plenty of things you’re good at.”

When asked for some examples, he listed vacuuming and naming stuffed animals. He says he can probably come up with a few more, but he’ll need some time to think.

Related Characters: David Sedaris (speaker), Hugh
Page Number: 246
Explanation and Analysis:
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Hugh Quotes in Me Talk Pretty One Day

The Me Talk Pretty One Day quotes below are all either spoken by Hugh or refer to Hugh. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Identity and Insecurity Theme Icon
Smart Guy Quotes

My brain wants nothing to do with reason. It never has. If I was told to vacate my apartment by next week, I wouldn’t ask around or consult the real estate listings. Instead, I’d just imagine myself living in a moated sugar-cube castle, floating from room to room on a king-size magic carpet. If I have one saving grace, it’s that I’m lucky enough to have found someone willing to handle the ugly business of day-to-day living.

Hugh consoled me, saying, “Don’t let it get to you. There are plenty of things you’re good at.”

When asked for some examples, he listed vacuuming and naming stuffed animals. He says he can probably come up with a few more, but he’ll need some time to think.

Related Characters: David Sedaris (speaker), Hugh
Page Number: 246
Explanation and Analysis: