Me Talk Pretty One Day

Me Talk Pretty One Day


David Sedaris

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Reggie Character Analysis

Reggie is a man who works with Sedaris at a cleaning company. Proud of his intelligence, Reggie frequently boasts that he has an IQ of 130 and that, because of this, he deserves to have a better job. He also suggests that Sedaris is unintelligent and that he’ll never be good at doing anything but sweeping. Years later, Sedaris thinks of Reggie when he decides to take an IQ test and ends up receiving a painfully low score.
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Reggie Character Timeline in Me Talk Pretty One Day

The timeline below shows where the character Reggie appears in Me Talk Pretty One Day. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Smart Guy
Identity and Insecurity Theme Icon
...this. While working as a cleaner in his mid-twenties, he works alongside a man named Reggie who won’t stop talking about how smart he is, constantly bragging that he has an... (full context)
Identity and Insecurity Theme Icon
Humor, Commentary, and Observation Theme Icon a cleaner—but he doesn’t sweep, he uses a vacuum cleaner. He doesn’t know what Reggie is up to these days, but he thinks of him when he decides to take... (full context)