Me Talk Pretty One Day

Me Talk Pretty One Day


David Sedaris

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Me Talk Pretty One Day makes teaching easy.
Maja is one of Sedaris’s friends who lives in Paris. When Lou comes to visit, she goes to dinner with Sedaris and his father and is confused when Lou tells a story about accidentally eating a piece of his own hat. Her shock reminds Sedaris not only that his father often behaves quite strangely, but that he (Sedaris) has become so used to this behavior that he hardly notices it.
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Maja Character Timeline in Me Talk Pretty One Day

The timeline below shows where the character Maja appears in Me Talk Pretty One Day. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
I’ll Eat What He’s Wearing
Humor, Commentary, and Observation Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Support Theme Icon
Lou visits Sedaris in Paris and goes to dinner with him and his friend Maja. At dinner, he explains that he found an unidentifiable brown object in his suitcase that... (full context)
Humor, Commentary, and Observation Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Support Theme Icon
...realized it was a piece of his old hat. “So you literally ate your hat?” Maja asks, and Lou says that he did, though he adds that he “stopped after the... (full context)