Me Talk Pretty One Day

Me Talk Pretty One Day


David Sedaris

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Sedaris’s Walkman Symbol Analysis

Sedaris’s Walkman Symbol Icon

While living in Paris, Sedaris listens to his Walkman so much that it begins to signify his hesitancy to fully immerse himself in French culture. Walking through the city, he listens to audiobooks, including a book intended for English-speaking doctors trying to learn French medical phrases. It’s not hard to see that this information will not prove useful, since Sedaris isn’t a doctor. Nonetheless, he practices phrases like, “We need to start an IV. […] But first could I trouble you for a stool sample?” While saying these things, he imagines himself at fancy Parisian parties, envisioning turning to a beautiful host and delivering these strange medical phrases. Despite this unrealistic fantasy, he recognizes that listening to his Walkman amounts to little more than avoidance, as he puts off dealing with the insecurity he feels surrounding the idea of moving through life in Paris without the protective shield of his Walkman. In this way, the Walkman symbolizes the barriers people build to keep the world at bay, especially when they find themselves in uncomfortable or nerve-wracking environments. 

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Sedaris’s Walkman Symbol Timeline in Me Talk Pretty One Day

The timeline below shows where the symbol Sedaris’s Walkman appears in Me Talk Pretty One Day. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Tapeworm Is In
Identity and Insecurity Theme Icon
Class and Belonging Theme Icon
...the things they like. Sedaris has never been the type of person to use a Walkman, but he’s surprised to find how much he enjoys listening to this tape while walking... (full context)
Identity and Insecurity Theme Icon
Humor, Commentary, and Observation Theme Icon
Walking through Paris with his Walkman, Sedaris listens to books on tape. The books are in English, and though he doesn’t... (full context)