A Little Life

A Little Life


Hanya Yanagihara

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Claudine Character Analysis

Claudine is a jewelry designer and acquaintance of Willem’s. Willem begins a sexual affair with Claudine during his and Jude’s relationship. Though Jude has given Willem permission to pursue sex outside of their relationship, Willem feels guilty (and he suspects that Claudine is more emotionally attached to him than she claims to be), and so he eventually breaks things off with her.
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Claudine Character Timeline in A Little Life

The timeline below shows where the character Claudine appears in A Little Life. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 5: The Happy Years: Chapter 3
Trauma Theme Icon
Friendship and Human Connection  Theme Icon
Pain and Suffering  Theme Icon
Willem starts having sex with Claudine, a jewelry designer who is an acquaintance of his. It’s purely physical, and Willem always... (full context)
Trauma Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Friendship and Human Connection  Theme Icon
Pain and Suffering  Theme Icon
...it’s  okay for Willem to have sex with other people. Willem hasn’t told Jude about Claudine, but he can tell that Jude knows. This is the summer after the awful Thanksgiving... (full context)