A Little Life

A Little Life


Hanya Yanagihara

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Edie Character Analysis

Edie was one of Jude, Willem, JB, and Malcolm’s suitemates in college. Edie, Marta, and Francesca—who are all lesbians—were in a band together called Backfat. After college, Edie transitions, and Jude, Willem, JB, and Malcolm attend a party at Marta and Francesca’s Brooklyn apartment to celebrate the occasion. JB, who longs to return to his college days, is the only one of his friends who genuinely enjoys the party.
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Edie Character Timeline in A Little Life

The timeline below shows where the character Edie appears in A Little Life. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 3: Vanities: Chapter 1
Identity Theme Icon
Success and Happiness Theme Icon
Friendship and Human Connection  Theme Icon
...a couple and living together in Brooklyn. One day, JB tells everyone some exciting news: Edie, the third lesbian, a Korean American woman with a predilection for eccentric jobs, is in... (full context)