A Little Life

A Little Life


Hanya Yanagihara

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Marta Character Analysis

Marta was one of Jude, Willem, JB, and Malcolm’s suitemates in college. Marta, Francesca, and Edie—who are all lesbians—were in a band together called Backfat. They used to participate in protests and hold unconventional jobs. Eventually, Marta and Francesca settle down together and live a more conventional life, and JB resents how tame they’ve become since their college days.
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Marta Character Timeline in A Little Life

The timeline below shows where the character Marta appears in A Little Life. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 3: Vanities: Chapter 1
Identity Theme Icon
Success and Happiness Theme Icon
Friendship and Human Connection  Theme Icon
...were in a band together called Backfat. Now, 15 years after graduation, two of them, Marta and Francesca, are a couple and living together in Brooklyn. One day, JB tells everyone... (full context)
Identity Theme Icon
Success and Happiness Theme Icon
Friendship and Human Connection  Theme Icon
Back in the present, at Marta and Francesca’s party, Willem sees that Jude has just escaped Marta and another woman who... (full context)