A Little Life

A Little Life


Hanya Yanagihara

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Themes and Colors
Trauma Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Success and Happiness Theme Icon
Friendship and Human Connection  Theme Icon
Pain and Suffering  Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in A Little Life, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.


Jude St. Francis, the protagonist of A Little Life, endures unspeakable trauma and abuse throughout his early life. As a child, Jude is orphaned and brought up in a monastery by monks who physically, sexually, and psychologically abuse him. He manages to escape, but every subsequent semblance of a home he finds himself in as a young person manages to be just as traumatic as the last. When Jude flees the abusive environment…

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At its core, A Little Life is a coming-of-age story about four friends who move to the city to pursue their passions and find themselves. In time, each of the book’s four central characters achieve fame and success in their chosen field. Their professional lives offer concrete, obvious means to measure their success: for JB, it’s when museums start to hang his work; Willem knows he’s made it as an actor when film directors…

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Success and Happiness

A Little Life follows four close friends (Jude, Willem, Malcolm, and JB) as they graduate from college and move to New York in pursuit of fame, success, and wealth. The friends are all ambitious and talented, and over the course of the novel, each achieves great success in his chosen field (Jude is a lawyer, Willem is an actor, JB is an artist, and Malcolm is an architect). Yet…

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Friendship and Human Connection

A Little Life may be brutal in its depiction of abuse, pain, and human suffering—but it is not relentless. As often as the novel subjects Jude to physical and psychological torture, it also grants him temporary relief in the happy moments he shares with his friends. Jude, Malcolm, JB, and Willem meet and form a close bond in college, and their friendship endures, deepens, and evolves as they move through life. Jude and…

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Pain and Suffering

The world of the novel is a wretched place where suffering, tragedy, loss, and human cruelty spare nobody. Jude endures a lifetime of unbearable pain, health complications, and impaired mobility after a sadistic doctor runs him over with his car when he is 15, and his condition only worsens with age. He also struggles with unresolved trauma from an abusive childhood. Most characters die, many of them young and tragically. By the novel’s end, JB

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