The 57 Bus

The 57 Bus


Dashka Slater

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The 57 Bus makes teaching easy.

The 57 Bus: Part 3: The First Letter Summary & Analysis

Slater includes a letter written by Richard to Sasha. “Dear, Victum,” the letter reads, “I apologize for my actions.” In the letter, Richard tells Sasha that he is “not a monster,” and he has no idea why he did what he did. “I’m deeply sorry for my actions,” he says, “I think about what happened every second.” He takes responsibility for his actions, prays for Sasha’s recovery, and ends the letter “Love, Richard.”
Richard’s letter is proof that he takes responsibility for his actions and is remorseful of Sasha’s assault. The awkward nature of Richard’s letter and they way he misspells “victum” reflects his ignorance and young age.
Adolescent Crime vs. Adult Crime Theme Icon
Accountability, Redemption, and Forgiveness Theme Icon