Children of Blood and Bone

Children of Blood and Bone


Tomi Adeyemi

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Children of Blood and Bone makes teaching easy.

Grounder Term Analysis

Maji who have the ability to manipulate earth and the ground. They sometimes create fantastical structures.

Grounder Quotes in Children of Blood and Bone

The Children of Blood and Bone quotes below are all either spoken by Grounder or refer to Grounder. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Prejudice and Inequality Theme Icon
Chapter Twenty-Five Quotes

After I perform the ritual and bring magic back, after Baba is safe and sound. I’ll rally a group of Grounders to sink this monstrosity into the sand. That announcer will pay for every wasted divîner life. Every noble will answer for their crimes.

Related Characters: Zélie (speaker), Baba
Page Number: 212
Explanation and Analysis:
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Grounder Term Timeline in Children of Blood and Bone

The timeline below shows where the term Grounder appears in Children of Blood and Bone. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Prejudice and Inequality Theme Icon
Duty to Family vs. Self Theme Icon
...dreaming with Binta about traveling the world. She remembers that her father warned her that Grounders, divîners with power over the earth, filled the desert with danger. But Binta told her... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Five
Cycles of Violence Theme Icon
...sneak into the backstage area of the arena. Zélie imagines bringing back a group of Grounders to exact revenge on the whole city. She can sense that the sunstone is nearby. (full context)