Children of Blood and Bone

Children of Blood and Bone


Tomi Adeyemi

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Children of Blood and Bone makes teaching easy.
Ryders that resemble lions, like Nailah, the ryder belonging to Zélie and her family.

Lionare Quotes in Children of Blood and Bone

The Children of Blood and Bone quotes below are all either spoken by Lionare or refer to Lionare. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Prejudice and Inequality Theme Icon
Chapter Twenty-Two Quotes

Though the royal seal is etched into the clay wall, it waves in my mind like the velvet banners in Father’s throne room. After the Raid, he abolished the old seal, a gallant bull-horned lionare that always used to make me feel safe. Instead, he proclaimed that our power would be represented by the snow leopanaires: ryders who were ruthless. Pure.

Related Characters: Amari (speaker)
Page Number: 195
Explanation and Analysis:
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Lionare Term Timeline in Children of Blood and Bone

The timeline below shows where the term Lionare appears in Children of Blood and Bone. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Thirty-Four
Duty to Family vs. Self Theme Icon
Cycles of Violence Theme Icon
...heroes in the city. Zélie is called “The Immortal,” Tzain “The Commander,” and Amari “The Lionaire.” Amari feels like an imposter. She is disturbed by the fact that she killed someone,... (full context)