Children of Blood and Bone

Children of Blood and Bone


Tomi Adeyemi

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Sky Mother Term Analysis

The most powerful and central of the deities worshipped by the divîners. She is seen as the source of all life and magic.
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Sky Mother Term Timeline in Children of Blood and Bone

The timeline below shows where the term Sky Mother appears in Children of Blood and Bone. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Eighteen
Faith and Tradition Theme Icon
...decorated with beautiful murals of the gods. As he speaks, telling the stories of the Sky Mother and each of the children gods, the walls swirl with color and light. When he... (full context)
Prejudice and Inequality Theme Icon
Faith and Tradition Theme Icon performed by a woman. If Lekan performs a ceremony to connect Zélie to the Sky Mother , he says, she can be the one to carry out the ritual. Zélie is... (full context)
Faith and Tradition Theme Icon
Lekan begins the ceremony to connect Zélie to the Sky Mother : he cuts Zélie’s hand with the bone dagger and submerges her in a bath.... (full context)
Chapter Seventy-One
Faith and Tradition Theme Icon Jimeta, a city of thieves and outlaws. Conflicted, Zélie attempts to appeal to the Sky Mother in prayer, but feels nothing. She feels abandoned by the gods and, because she knows... (full context)
Chapter Eighty-Four
Faith and Tradition Theme Icon
Zélie realizes there may be another way to reach the Sky Mother . She thinks about drawing a connection through all her ancestors, through their blood. The... (full context)