To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before


Jenny Han

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Themes and Colors
Family, Responsibility, and Growing Up Theme Icon
Love and Fear Theme Icon
Social Structure, Reputation, and High School Theme Icon
Lies vs. Honesty Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.

Family, Responsibility, and Growing Up

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before introduces readers to 16-year-old Lara Jean a few days before her life turns upside down. Days before she starts her junior year of high school, her beloved older sister Margot leaves for college in Scotland. But things get much worse on the first day of school, when Lara Jean discovers that someone mailed the five private love letters she wrote to her past crushes. As Lara Jean navigates…

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Love and Fear

At the start of the novel, 16-year-old Lara Jean has never been in a romantic relationship before, though she has been in love with exactly five boys over the last few years. This changes suddenly when the secret letters Lara Jean wrote to those boys get mailed, and to deal with the damage, Lara Jean embarks on a pretend relationship with one of her former crushes, Peter. This is a difficult prospect for Lara…

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Social Structure, Reputation, and High School

It’s devastating for 16-year-old Lara Jean when five love letters she wrote to boys she used to love are somehow mailed without her permission. Three of the boys (Josh, Peter, and Lucas) go to her school, and Laura Jean is mortified when the boys approach her about the letters they received, in part because Lara Jean thinks of herself as a “Quiet Girl” who doesn’t get much attention from her peers…

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Lies vs. Honesty

When 16-year-old Lara Jean discovers that the private goodbye letters that she wrote to five former crushes were sent out without her permission, her first thought is to lie about them—to claim that she never loved the boys, and that she never wrote the letters in the first place. With this, the novel establishes Lara Jean as a person who sees lying as a useful tool to escape embarrassment. As she then embarks on her…

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