The Decameron

The Decameron


Giovanni Boccaccio

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Decameron makes teaching easy.

Crusades Term Analysis

The Crusades were a series of religiously-inspired wars conducted by European Christian powers during the Middle Ages. The early crusades were aimed against Muslim powers in the eastern Mediterranean with the hope of wresting Jerusalem and the surrounding “Holy Land” (modern-day Israel, Palestine, and parts of Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon) from Islamic control. The Third Crusade, referenced specifically in The Decameron, ran from 1189–1192 with the goal of taking back Jerusalem from Saladin, who had conquered it in 1187.

Crusades Quotes in The Decameron

The The Decameron quotes below are all either spoken by Crusades or refer to Crusades. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Love and Sex Theme Icon
Day 1: Fifth Tale Quotes

Being an intelligent and judicious woman, she sent back a message to say that she was glad to have been singled out for this uniquely great favor, and that the king would be very welcome. She then began to wonder why such a great king should be calling upon her in her husband’s absence. Nor was she wrong in the conclusion that she reached, namely, that he was being drawn thither by the fame of her beauty. Nevertheless, with her habitual nobility of spirit she made ready to entertain him[.]

Related Characters: Fiammetta (speaker), Marchioness of Montferrat, King Philip II
Page Number: 49-50
Explanation and Analysis:
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